GLA:D Training

GLA:D, from ‘Good Life with OsteoArthritis in Denmark’, is an education and exercise program developed by researchers in Denmark for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis symptoms.  It was then brought to Australia in 2016 to help Australians with hip or knee osteoarthritis.

People with other hip and knee conditions and those preparing for hip or knee joint replacements can benefit from doing the GLA:D programme; they just cannot be registered with GLA:D’s research programme via La Trobe Uni.

What does GLA:D involve?

This education and exercise program reflects the latest evidence in osteoarthritis (OA) research from around the world. It also includes feedback from people with OA and trainers on what works in the real world to help patients manage OA symptoms.

You do not need a referral from your doctor.

The GLA:D Australia program consists of:

  • An initial appointment to explain the program and measure your current functional ability and ensure you are suitable for GLA:D training.
  • Two education sessions which teach you about OA, its risk factors, treatment options, and self-management strategies.
  • Exercise sessions: two-three a week for six weeks to improve your control of the joint, your confidence in the joint and your strength. The physiotherapist will teach you your exercise and it is recommended, if your condition can tolerate it, that you do 1-2 physiotherapy supervised session per week and one session on your own per week = 3 per week. Some people prefer to work individually and do more at home on their own, if they have a good grasp of the exercises.
  • A review at 3-months with your physiotherapist to discuss progress and goals, and re-measure your functional ability.
  • Completion of a questionnaire on registration with the program, and then again at 3 and 12 months after registration with La Trobe Uni’s GLA:D research programme, to measure changes in areas such as pain, function, quality of life, and medication use.

Physiotherapists Fees – Bronwyn McIlveen (fees subject to change based on price increases)

Initial Consultation/Assessment – 40 min max  PH500 $115.00 Pensioner/HCC Holder $110

Education Sessions (Compulsory) – 30 min PH505        $97.00 Pensioner/HCC Holder $92

Exercise Sessions – 30 min  PH505                                  $97.00 Pensioner/HCC Holder $92

Extended Exercise Sessions – 45 min PH505                   $145.50 Pensioner/HCC Holder $140.50

3 Month Review Session (Compulsory) – 30 min PH505 $97.00 Pensioner/HCC Holder $92

Please note: The duration of the exercise session (30 mins vs 45 mins) will be based on the physiotherapist’s discretion and can be discussed during the first consultation.

GLA:D Australia recommends 2x supervised exercise sessions and 1x self-completed session per week.

Physiotherapy Fees are rebatable on Private Health Insurance Extras cover. Eligible participants may be able to use Medicare funding using an EPC plan to cover part of the costs of assessments and education sessions. (Medicare rebate is $56 or more if you have reached your safety net).

GLA:D Program in a Group with Physiotherapist (in our clinic gym)  PH505                     

Group of 2 for (30 min)                      50% of practitioner’s usual standard consult fee. Come with a second person, when COVID restrictions allow

Group of 2 for (55 minutes)                Practitioners usual standard extended (60 mins) consult fee. Come with a second person, when COVID restrictions allow.

Updated 08/02/2024 BM

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